Category Archives: PERSONAL

Myla : One Year

Dear Myla, I cannot believe a year has gone by! It seems like just yesterday that the nurse wheeled you into my hospital room late at night and left us alone together. It was dark,  but I could see your perfect little lips and your big brown eyes looking up and just staring at me....

the whole package.

It was  my birthday a few days ago and something happened that I’ll never forget. I’m sure you have heard people say that birthdays become less exciting the older you get. I tried to not believe that statement, but it really is true. I think as we get older, birthdays just become more of an event...


Dear Bro, This is me writing you a letter for everyone to read. Because its not like your sisters embarrass you, so I thought I could just this once. I just want to thank you for the roll that you have in our family, and for the person you are. I know that I sometimes...