
Dear Bro,
This is me writing you a letter for everyone to read. Because its not like your sisters embarrass you, so I thought I could just this once.

I just want to thank you for the roll that you have in our family, and for the person you are. I know that I sometimes give you a hard time about things like when you came and sat in-between me and my date when we were watching a movie, or when you don’t wear socks or let me fix your hair; but I hope you know that I will always love you. You are a good brother, uncle, and friend. I love how every little kid admires you, and that you are the first person Myla reaches out her little arms for when we go home. You make a difference, and even when you tell a joke that only you are laughing at, I know everyone is still grateful that you bring a sense of happiness in the room.
You are beyond smart, you are a little genius! One day when you are an engineer, famous artist, or designing the next hot item for apple (with a side job of interior designing my house) you will look back at all the good times we had growing up with each other and smile. Because really, we have had some GOOD times :)

Thanks  for letting me take you out on a photo shoot. I already  knew you were good looking but now I can show you off to all the honey’s 13 & younger. If you are a girl from Russel’s school, Welcome :)